Give your business the unfair advantage over your competitors. Attract Lifetime Clients, Make More Money & Enjoy Engaged Employees...without working harder

Get the Entire XPerience Service System, 60 Days of Inner Circle Plus These Bonuses For Just $2499 or 4 Payments of $629

Here's What You Get

  • The Client Attraction System that NEVER fails:

How to ATTRACT the clients you do want and how to repel those you don’t. My system will sift, sort & screen out poor quality prospects AND to this day has, not failed me or my clients.

  • The Client XPerience System: Based on my DECADE + as a Leader at Walt Disney World

The ONLY way to command the highest prices is to create and deliver experiences for your clients. During these sessions (over half a day will be dedicated to experiences) I will reveal Disney’s secrets on WOWing clients and how I adapted them into my home service businesses.

  • The Client RETENTION System

One of the most cost-effective tactics is keeping current clients. Why then, do business owners insist on always wanting ‘new’ when what you have has not been fully monetized? This system will show you how to retain your best clients and insure that they pay, stay and refer.

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  • Walt Disney's Law of Unlimited Abundance

Commodity centered businesses that have an undifferentiated market position are forced to adhere to market pricing. But, businesses that have a differentiated market position by staging experiences for their clients and patients, command premium pricing. Discover your unique and priceless difference.

  • The “Raise Your Prices Without Losing One Client” Blueprint

The secret behind Disney's pricing machine and how you can command the highest prices in your industry. Yes! You can charge 2x, 5x even 10x your competition. This blueprint shows you how.

  • Foolproof, Yet Elegantly Simple, Competition Crushing Ad Generator System

My easy peazy 4 step Foolproof, Yet Elegantly Simple, Competition Crushing Ad Generator System. Create competition crushing ads with this fill in the blanks system.

  • Your P.O.S. (Personal Operating System)

In order for any of this to work, you must, pardon the expression, have your shit together. If not you will be a disjoined and broke mess. Maybe the most valuable component here.... Discover my system that allows me to own 4 companies, travel to speak and yet be home for soccer practice, ballet recitals and dinner EVERY night I'm home.

What A Few Of My Members Are Saying...


"I hereby declare him the best

there is at intelligently & practically discussing merging customer service with direct response marketing — potentially turning your current customers & leads into the bigger, more stable, and more enjoyable business experience, for both you and them.”

Ben Settle, Marketing expert, Email Players


The strategies that Vance

reveals in his system, literally turn ‘conventional business thinking’ on its’ ear! He is equipped with an arsenal of tools that any small business owner can pick up and run with to start producing big time, bottom line results. If you’re a business owner and you want real improvement in your business….. Then I highly suggest you listen to what Vance has to say!

Dan Kennedy, The Millionaire Maker

But Wait, There's More....

Bonuses Valued at over $1476.00

  • 90 Days Free of the DSNi Inner Circle newsletter. No strings attached. Then just $119/mo, cancel anytime.

  • Quick Start Box: The XP Starter Kit. Jump right in and start profiting right away.

  • TWO live coaching calls with Vance and the Inner Circle. Demolish the barriers holding you back during our monthly meeting.

  • Ultimate Newsletter Blueprint: Create a titanium fence around your clients, keeping them in and your competitors out

  • Vance's Personal Swipe File. 1000's of ads for you to study, adapt and implement.

  • Best discounts on future events and product releases are reserved for Inner Circle Members

Your XP Starter Kit Includes over $807.65 of Free Money Making Ideas

Client Profit Index Assessment

This is your starting point. Discover where you are on the XP Power Pyramid

20 Minute Strategy Call

one 20 minute client

experience & marketing strategy session


Weekly Implementation


52 week planner designed to keep you on track and implementing


Marketing Critique Certificate

one review and critique of one marketing piece or campaign $279.00

Million Dollar Success Secret

5 Money Making Mindset Modifiers necessary for success and profits



Why didn't you charge more?

I have just one question for you after attending your XPerience Service System Live event...

Why didn't you charge more? Talk about over-delivering!

I went home with a notebook full of strategies and tactics I plan to implement to elevate my business. And more importantly, I left your event feeling more fired up and confident -- because I'm armed with a system that will work.

While others worry about the economy and run for cover, I'm full speed ahead, ready to "Plus" my business thanks to the COUNTLESS things I learned at the event.

Tom Ruwitch, Story Power Marketing

But wait....

There's More....



Look, I get it…

I know what it’s like to feel uncertain about a big investment in yourself and your business. I felt the same way when I invested in my first coaching program.

That voice inside your head that says “But is this going to work for me?

Well, one thing you’re going to love about this, besides the incredible value and everything you’re going to learn, is my guarantee. I am so confident that you’re going to get 10X the value from your investment that if at ANY time during the next 60 days you feel you made a mistake and aren’t receiving value, or are disappointed with the content and experience, you can simply let me know and I will cheerfully refund your full investment.

No Questions Asked

I'll even take it one step further. I'll ride along with you for 12 months. If you can look me in the eye, say you implemented the strategies and did not get results, I will STILL cheerfully refund your investment.